Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ethernet Cables

Your blog is on google as one of the top responses for "How to Build an Ethernet Cord"
(It really isn't, we're playing pretend).
This post needs to have the isntructions on how to build an ethernet cord (you may have changed your directions after creating your own cord!) Give instructions on your blog on how to create an ethernet cord just as though the person reading it had no idea what an ethernet cable was, what to use, or how to assemble it!
First : Explain the purpose of the ethernet cable.
Second: Materials needed
Third: Instructions (INCLUDE COLORS! You may want to change the font color to match for the order.. just an idea.)
Fourth: How to test
Fifth: Give a personal statment about the first time you created an ethernet cable - How hard was it? How many times did you mess up? What would you do differently now that you have a correct cord?
Sixth: Words of encouragement to the new ethernet cable builder :)
Seventh: Include at least one photo of an ethernet cable (one that looks like yours!)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Post #3

What is a network and why do we need it?

List the four benefits of using a network

Differentiate between WANs and LANs.

Identify at least three common network topologies. Insert an image from the web of each.

List four exampls of network operation system software.

Describe the difference between Client/Server Networks and Peer to Peer Networks.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Post #2

Go to . Scroll to the bottom of the page. Select one link at the bottom of the page and let your instructor know what one you pick. Take 15 minutes to read the article and make a note of the 8 most important facts that the class should know.

Type your 8 facts as Post #2 your blog and prepare to share them with the class vocally. You will have approximately 3 – 5 minutes to speak.


(50 pts) Facts were important.
(25 pts) Presentation was organized.
(25 pts) NO grammatical errors in Blog Post

Friday, October 9, 2009

Post #1

What is the purpose of a blog? What pros and cons do you see about blogs? Are they safe? Why/Why not. Explain how blogs could be used as an educational tool.