Friday, February 26, 2010


---------INSERT IMAGE OF MS DOS!-----------

DOS is...

Booting is...

DOS is ______________ based.

To communicate with DOS, the screen has a ____________________ where you enter a ____________________________.

Case insensitive means that..... An example would be...

4 useful things to learn about DOS.
SET PATH=________________________________________________
? in a file name means ________________________________________
* in a file name means ________________________________________
. in a directory path stands for __________________________________

7 very useful DOS commands. Explain each.

DOS organizes disks by...

Three requirements that must be met for a file to be named include _________________________ ____ ____________
An example: _______________________

In DOS directories named by...
An example would be...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Google Images

Find an image of a LEGO Robot
What is it? What can it do? What can you make it do?

Find an image of a cool Logo that you really like.
What is it for? Do the colors mean anything specifically? Why do you like it so much?

If you created a logo for yourself, describe it here. Why would you choose the things that you choose? Do a very rough sketch in paint and paste your picture here.

If you could create any static cling for your car window or bedroom window, what would it look like and why? Be specific! Tell me the colors too! You may choose your favorite vacation spot or your favorite sports team. You might even want your personal GHS sports team and number. Do a very rough sketch in paint and paste your picture here.